Learn how to make this delicious apple chia pudding. A three layer treat with applesauce with a chia seed filling made from almond milk and topped with a sweet sauteed apple topping, served in a small glass.
I absolutely LOVE chia seed puddings, why you may ask! Because they are one of the most diverse ways to make a pudding.
You can literally add ANY fruit to a chia pudding, plus you can layer it in so many fancy ways.
With apple season coming into play, I just had to share this pudding recipe with my readers.
I already have some If you are making this for a dinner party/guests or an overnight breakfast, you will want to give yourself 1-2 hours for the chia seed to expand in the almond milk. The biggest waiting time will be for the chia to expand, what I like do is mix the chia seeds with maple syrup, almond milk and cinnamon in advance and then continue with the rest of the recipe. The base of the pudding is the applesauce, depending on what you plan to serve your pudding in, this will determine the amount of apple needed. I used 3 small dessert glasses which are roughly the same size of a whiskey glass. Mine are exactly 3.5 inches tall. You can easily get away with stretching the pudding to 4 small glasses, although you would need an additional apple to form the base. I make my applesauce by steaming the apples, using my steaming basket. I simply fill a medium sized saucepan by ¼, place the basket in the centre with the apples, put the lid on and steam until tender. It takes a few minutes to steam, if you don't have a steaming basket, then you can just add ¼ cup water to a saucepan with the apples and steam them that way instead (draining off any excess water, if required). Once the apples are steamed, let them cool slightly before pureeing them. I personally like to use the wet container of my spice grinder to do so (adding the maple syrup and cinnamon at the same time). Once the applesauce is ready, have your serving glasses ready and layer the bottom of each glass. You should have just enough to cover the base and as you are adding the chia filling, the applesauce will rise which looks aesthetically appealing. As mentioned earlier, the middle layer is the chia filling, make this your priority to make first. Those ingredients just need to be added to a bowl and mixed together. The top layer (my favourite part) is the sauteed apples, you will want to saute them until they are golden, the maple syrup, cinnamon and a splash of water will help to achieve this. Once the apple is sauteed, it is best to wait until it is completely cool before adding the topping. **Please comment below and star rate if you have tried my recipes. Support my website by leaving a donation through Buying Me a Coffee. A site to show your appreciation of my hardwork over the years. Let's be friends and engage on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram I also like to pin on Pinterest, where you can find more amazing recipes.**Recipe preparation
The steps
Notes and tips
More chia pudding recipes
More pudding recipes to try
Apple Chia Pudding
For the base/applesauce
For the chia pudding
For the topping
To make the base
To make the chia seed filling
To make the sauteed apples
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